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Hot Hatch 750

Le Mans 24hr

3 Hour Endurance
Race Report

Hot Hatch 750
Welcome to the Official website of the
Metropolitan Police Motor Club
'On the 2nd January 1952, fifty-four police officers, of various ranks met at the “Old Yard” at 3:30pm and there formed the “Motor Car and Motorcycle Section” of the Metropolitan Police Athletic Association.'
For the full history behind the MPMC please visit the 'About' page.
Today the Met Police Motor Club looks to continue what those 54 officer shared,
'A Passion For Motorsport'
The club is constantly looking to create opportunities for its members and extended family to continue enjoying their passion of motorsport and also looks to support its members in their current categories of racing.
If you are a member of the Metropolitan Police service and are considering or already race in motorsport please get in touch with us as we would like to hear from you.
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